Early, interceptive orthodontic treatment
as a proactive approach

Some dental and skeletal growth problems can be recognized in children as young as 7 years of age. Early, interceptive orthodontic treatment is a proactive approach to correct development issues before they worsen, minimizing the need for more extensive treatment later. This is We call this early intervention “Phase 1” and is ideally performed between the ages of 8-11. Phase 1 is usually followed by a “Phase 2” treatment as a teenager once all of the permanent teeth come in. Phase 1 usually lasts 6-12months—the perfect amount of time to address and resolve the most critical issues.

The benefit of Phase 1 treatment includes:
  1. Correct bite discrepancies such as crossbites, flared teeth, overbites, or underbites which cause accelerated tooth wear, asymmetric skeletal growth, or facial disharmony.
  2. Create space for crowded permanent teeth to prevent impacted teeth and help reduce the need to extract permanent teeth later.
  3. Address airway constriction and improve air flow while breathing.
  4. Improve the way your child perceives himself as well as the way he is perceived by others.
Phase 1 treatment modalities include:
  • Expanders
  • Braces
  • Retainers with springs
  • Space maintainers
  • Orthopedic appliances

Not all children need Phase 1 treatment, so a thorough evaluation by Dr. Mongillo is necessary to determine necessity. Investing in Phase 1 treatment can lead to better long-term outcomes, shorter Phase 2 teenage orthodontic treatment, and improved oral health for your child.

Young girl with braces on